Monday 2 December 2013

Luminous Light – Knitwear Project - Progress Update

I've been really busy learning how to use the knitting machines to achieve exactly what I want from my samples.  I've been putting in the hours both in University and at home, working on my designs.  At home, I was working on my sketchbook, looking at my images from the campus and creating concepts for how I might be able to translate these into my samples.  

Over time I developed my sketch book with ideas and transformed these into 15 final samples to be submitted.  I worked to construct and create the samples in the studio using knitting machines and new techniques.

Some of the techniques I learnt and tried to implement in my samples included Picot/Holes, Weaving in E-Wrap, Knots, Tassles and Hooking Up (I mentioned Hooking Up in my last post). Below you can see a photograph of some more of my samples.  In this you'll see a number of the techniques that I've just mentioned.  You can see Picot/Holes in the bottom right, Hooking Up in the top right and Knots and Weaving in E-Wrap featured in the top left.

I've really enjoyed learning to use the knitting machines in the studio and it's definitely given me something to think about for future projects! - it's even inspired me to take up hand knitting and crochet at home!  You can see one of the samples in progress below, this one's an example of knots before they were tied.


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