Sunday 31 May 2015

Business Card Design

As part of the Business project, we were required to come up with a business card design. Below is a picture of my design. 


CAD boards

Here are two of the mood boards that I have made during my CAD lessons. They are both inspiration for the Live Whitchurch silk mill project.



Live Project Knit Samples

I created a range of knitwear samples as part of the Live project. Below are photos that show some of those samples. I have changed the make up of my yarns from those that I originally started off with, as now they contain a higher silk content. I really like the way these knit samples look and I'm pleased that they have turned out this way. I hope that they will go well with the embroidery panels I plan on using.



Fashion & Textiles Instagram Account

I have created a new Instagram account that will highlight some of my fashion and textiles work. It will act as a portfolio for my work that can be instantly accessed online. Below are some preview screenshots of the account featuring a selection of my work.



Thursday 7 May 2015

Silk Mill Project Samples

I have been working on samples to experiment as part of the 'Live' project. Although I specialise in knitting I wanted to incorporate some embroidery into my samples as I particularly enjoy it and can use silk too. My experimenting has included some silk fabrics, silk threads and free hand embroidery. I really like how the two samples I made have turned out. I would really like to try and use these in my final garment. Below are a series of photos of the samples whilst they were being made.


The 'Showstopper' Dress Design

The illustration and flat below are my design for the 'Live' project's 'Showstopper' dress. My design wasn't chosen and neither were my supporting designs. As my design wasn't chosen I will be making a dress using one of the chosen supporting designs. The exhibition will have one 'Showstopper' dress made by the successful designer and we will be creating versions of the other supporting designs between us as part of the project.


Whitchurch Silk Mill

The latest project I have been working on is the 'Live' project. For this project our college has teamed up with a local working silk mill in Whitchurch. At the end of the project the garment that we have created will go on display in an exhibition space at the silk mill. The second year and first year students have teamed up, working in groups of three. The aim of the project is to design a 'showstopper' outfit as well as three more coordinating outfits. 

We visited the Whitchurch silk mill to see the exhibition space and get inspiration for the project. Below are photos I took whilst we were there. 

Monday 4 May 2015

Blue Project Presentation

For my Blue project I was required to complete a mood board, an illustration, technical drawings and fashion flats, a technical file and six final samples. 

My inspiration was waves which I discussed in an earlier blog post. I think that my results tied in very closely to my theme and I replicated it well with my final knit samples. I hand-dyed all of the yarns that I used in these samples and this was an achievement for me as it's not something that I would normally do. Working with a small colour palette was also a challenge but it was interesting as it allowed me to focus more closely on depth and tone. I really enjoyed working on this project and was pleased with my final results. The photos below are of the presentation of the project in my base space.


MOTHS Workshop 4 - Julian Roberts

The fourth MOTHS workshop was the last of the sessions for this project. This workshop was given by a third year student who had particularly enjoyed this part of the project last year. The workshop covered a technique called Subtraction Cutting which was found by pattern cutter Julian Roberts. Initially I found the concept quite hard to get my head around but I was reassured that it would click eventually.

The process was: We had two metres of fabric cut in half which we sewed together to make a bag. We laid the bag flat on the table and drew out two bodice blocks at random points on the fabric, marking the darts too. We then drew a line connecting the bodice blocks together. Next we had to cut in to the top layer of the bag to cut out the shape of the lines that we had marked on, cutting around the bodice blocks too. After this was cut we sewed the darts into the bodice and then the shoulder seams together. It was at this point that I began to understand how this technique works. I pulled the dress up and could see how it was going to take shape. The next part was sewing the rest together however you liked to make the final dress. This is the technique that I have decided to use to make my final dress for this project.

All of our dresses that came out of the workshop. (mine's the one in the middle)

MOTHS Workshop 3

During the third MOTHS workshop we worked from a selection of handouts and chose a technique that we wanted to try. I chose to try the knot technique. This was easier than I initially thought that it might be so I decided to test the technique in three different types of fabric to see what the results would be. Below are some photos of the results.
