Saturday 11 October 2014

Quilting Project

So it’s been a little while since my last post. The first year has finished and now I’d like to catch up and write some posts about the projects from the first year that I haven’t already covered.

After the Weave project, we moved onto a Quilting project. This was a group project where each group had a different theme and “nothing flat” was our theme. As a group we chose our colour palette at the start of the project but we then found that we went off to work independently. The only time we actually came back together as a group was in the final stages to present it. In hindsight I think that if we had chosen our groups ourselves we may have worked better as a team throughout the project.

My group's colour palette

Quilting by definition is to pierce through two or more surfaces. This gives a lot of flexibility to people using this technique as you do not just have to stay with traditional stitching.

As part of the project I had to create 15 or more samples using our chosen colour palette and within the theme of “nothing flat”. We could go back and use knit, weave or print techniques to create these samples. The aim of this project was to help us to decide which path to specialise in for the remainder of the course.

Machine embroidery and fabric manipulation.

Multi-coloured plain weave on the loom.

Multi-coloured plain weave close-up.

Free-hand machine embroidery and beading.

Fabric manipulation using machine stitching.

To create my samples I decided to use weave, embroidery and fabric manipulation techniques. I really enjoyed experimenting within these techniques to develop my samples and this helped me to decide that weave was the path I wanted pursue.



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