Monday 16 March 2015

Blue Inspiration

My inspiration for this project is waves and breaking water. Initially I dyed my yarns and I thought that the tones of blue I had created reminded me very much of the sea. I will be including shades of white, cream and silver into my colour palette which works perfectly with the waves idea. From looking at the structure and patterns of different waves I have realised that they are all different and completely at random. I shall therefore try to avoid repeating myself with techniques and colour blocks when doing my samples so that they relate better to my inspiration. I am looking forward to trying out different techniques to try and create the different wave themed samples I am hoping to achieve. 

Sunday 15 March 2015

Blue Project

Dying Final Yarns

I have been dying my final yarns that I will use for the 6 samples I need to produce as part of my Blue project. I have chosen to use the two processes of Indigo dying and Acid dying. I enjoyed using Indigo dying as I found that I could get some really nice results in quite a short amount of time. Using the Acid dying technique I managed to achieve some really lovely colours that I was pleased with.

My inspiration for this project has been waves and I think I will be able to replicate this theme well through my samples, as the colours that I have produced lend themselves really well to the colours associated with water and breaking waves. I will also be mixing silver, white and cream in with my blue yarns to enhance the effect further.