Wednesday 23 March 2016

Dissertation Reflection

The Royal Family is a subject that I have always been interested in. I began reading around the subject before deciding on my research question. This helped me choose the direction of the project. There was lots of information available and I had to narrow down what I was going to use.

I used a few key resources that provided in-depth information about Diana and her life.  As well as these I used some articles that can be found online.  Most of these articles were written more recently and look back on Diana's life.  Today it's easy to find articles that were published during the internet era, however finding articles from whilst Diana was alive is much harder because there are no easily accessible digital copies. If I were to research again, I might plan time to research and visit somewhere where hard-copies of these kinds of resource are available.

Writing is something that I am not confident in and as such I have had to be very organised during this project. I had to make drafts of my work, read over and slowly make improvements with help and advice. I had to refer back to the project brief and my own project plan to keep on track and schedule in enough time to complete the dissertation and research file in time for the deadline.

The planning and organisation that I needed to use to complete this written assignment has made me realise that there are improvements that can be made in other areas of my studio work.

This dissertation has really caught my interest with the Royal Family and in particular Diana. Since completing the project I have continued to read around the subject and I have even been to visit Kensington Palace to see an exhibition that included many of Diana's dresses.

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