Monday 31 March 2014

Fashion Illustration Research

So I’ve recently handed in my critical research report to uni for marking. For those of you who don’t know already, my aim was to see what impact modern computer aided design has had on fashion illustration. Through the course of my research for the essay I looked at a lot of different illustrators and illustrations from past and present, like the one from Vogue that you see below.

To really answer my question within the word limit of the essay I had to select just a few illustrators to concentrate on. The ones that I picked demonstrated various amounts of computer aided design in their work, from David Downton who uses very little, to Bree Leman who uses software almost exclusively in the creation of her designs. Of course there are illustrators who use a mixture of mediums to get the results they want and so illustrators like Cecilia Carlstedt featured in my final essay too.

Cecilia Carlstedt

During my research I was really lucky and found some excellent interviews online with professional illustrators. This gave me a great opportunity to get some of their opinions on different mediums including computer software.

David Downton

One of my biggest fears about doing a degree course was the writing side of it because I’m very out of practice. This essay was my first in about two years and was very daunting for me initially. I found it hard to choose a subject as we had the freedom to choose whatever we liked. Once I had the idea of fashion illustration, something that I’m interested in, and began doing research it became a lot easier to focus on. Now that it’s all done and handed in I feel a lot happier with it and so now I’m just waiting for my grade and feedback.
