Wednesday 10 December 2014

Research into Modern Gypsy Wedding Dress Traditions

As part of this year’s assignments I have to write an essay exploring an area of my choice. For my research I decided to look at gypsy weddings, with a particular focus on the dresses of both the brides and bridesmaids. As with most traditional weddings, the wedding dress in a gypsy wedding is an extremely important aspect of the ceremony.

Most people are familiar with Channel 4’s programme ‘My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding’. What many people are not aware of are the books that have been published on the subject since. These books go further than the programme and offer a closer look at traveller lifestyle and culture.

Thelma Madine
One of the most recognisable people in ‘My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding’ is Thelma Madine, who has also written a number of books about her experiences with the traveller community. Thelma is a dressmaker and business owner whose shop ‘Nico’ in Liverpool has attracted many traveller families over the years. Thelma is known for producing all types of dresses for special occasions including for weddings, communions and christenings.

Thelma Madine and a member of her team
I have been researching using Thelma’s and Jim Nally’s books to get a better understanding of modern gypsy wedding traditions and culture. This has included looking at some of the most popular styles of wedding dress amongst traveller brides as well as the reasons behind them wanting such extravagant designs.

Below are a few examples of the kinds of dresses that are popular with many traveller brides.